Delta Economics LLC - Legal Damages Experts For Lawyers
Why Us?

Hiring an Economist as Your Damages Expert

The economic loss experts at Delta Economics can provided invaluable assistance as an expert witness in your cases involving personal injury, wrongful death, and wrongful termination. Whether you represent the plaintiff or the defendant in a personal injury or wrongful death case, you probably know that an experienced economic damages expert is vital in providing an independent and detailed analysis of the claim at hand while articulating a reliable, understandable opinion of the economic damages incurred.


Why Us?

Economic Loss Calculation

Our forensic economists can determine the economic damages associated with a personal injury or wrongful death matter by independently and reliably quantifying the economic loss associated with lost earnings and benefits, future medical expenses and even loss of household services. Our wage loss experts can also provide expert witness services related to the economic damages in a wrongful termination or employment matter.


Why Us?

Responsive Experts

Our responsive experts will work closely with you and your litigation team throughout the entire legal process from discovery to settlement discussion and, if necessary, trial. Our documentation, independent analysis and experience will provide a reliable foundation for establishing the economic damages in your personal injury, wrongful death, or wrongful termination case. Because we use consistent, conventional methods, our economic loss experts can reliably provide expert witness services for both plaintiffs and defendants.

Why Us?

Forensic Economists

Forensic economists are legal damages experts. They are economists and other financial experts who are hired to consult with attorneys about their cases in litigation, and who occasionally testify in court about their determinations. Generally, Forensic Economists develop opinions about economic losses, that is, legal damages, including items such as: